Thursday, February 5, 2015

How to Create a Peaceful Living Space

The living area should be one that is relaxing and peaceful. When you get home from a hard day at work you want to unwind and chill out. The decoration of your living room plays a vital role in whether you are allowed to do this or not.
How to Create a Peaceful Living Space 2
After all, if your living room is filled to the brim with bold and harsh colours then your mind will find it extremely difficult to relax. Nevertheless, if you use the following tips in this article then you will have no issue creating the perfect peaceful living space…

Subtle Colour Scheme.
How to Create a Peaceful Living Space 3
The easiest way to create a relaxing living space is to keep the colours light and subtle. If you use bold, harsh or vibrant colours then you are going to make the mind more active rather than relax. Colours such as red and bright orange are more likely to give you  headache. You need room to breathe and relax, and light and subtle colours will present you with this.
Elegant Lighting.
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How to Create a Peaceful Living Space 5
The light you choose has a massive impact on the feel of the room. If you go for a chandelier then you will create a much more relaxing environment because it is elegant. If you were to go for something like a pendant light then this will have a harsher and bolder effect,
How to Create a Peaceful Living Space 6
How to Create a Peaceful Living Space 7
How to Create a Peaceful Living Space 8
A lot of people wouldn’t expect incorporating symmetry to have an effect as substantial as it does. However, introducing symmetry has a huge impact because it creates balance in the room. This in turn creates a calming and relaxing environment. You can’t deny the fact that there is an air of harmony in the pictures above.
Colour Flow.
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How to Create a Peaceful Living Space 10
Instead of having a living space whereby there are pops of colours you should try to create a good colour flow. In order to do this you need to utilise the same colour several times and you must make sure that there is a gradual blend. This transition will create a subtle and calming environment.
Eliminate Clutter.
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How to Create a Peaceful Living Space 12
When decorating your room you should only incorporate a few accessories. These can be big in size but they should be minimal in terms of amount. If you have too many accessories then you are only going to create clutter. The more clutter there is the more stressful the room becomes.
If you follow the five tips given in this article then you will have no trouble creating a relaxing and peaceful living space.
Picture sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

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